What is Altcoins? Guides for Beginners | Cryto Pop

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What is Altcoins? - AltCoins is a combination of two words, namely, alternative and coin. That said, AltCoins is literally a cryptocurrency other than Bitcoin. AltCoins itself appears to complement the shortcomings of Bitcoin, even AltCoins is made based on Bitcoin, namely Bitcoin Cash. However, Bitcoin Cash is not the first AltCoins to appear, Namecoin is the first AltCoins created. Namecoin is based on the code of Bitcoin and uses the Bitcoin algorithm proof of work.


AltCoins has a difference from Bitcoin in various ways. Some AltCoins have different economic models or different coin distribution methods. Coin mining algorithms in AltCoins use different methods. Some AltCoins offer privacy that is safer than Bitcoin.

Thus, most AltCoins do not have the benefits that Bitcoin offers. AltCoins also has less hash power to secure crypto currencies than Bitcoin. So far Bitcoin is the most widespread and most popular crypto currency in the public. As a result, the Bitcoin market is very competitive and expensive for beginners and amateurs to enter the world of digital currency.

There are thousands of different AltCoins, one of the most popular AltCoins in 2017 is Litecoin. Scrypt-based crypto currency, which has high market value and is more stable than bitcoin. Another popular choice is Ethereum.

The advantages of Altcoin

Some Altcoin offers something that Bitcoin does not have. Altcoin has many things in common with Bitcoin but not all are the same, some offer something more. Many Altcoin offer services faster, more anonymously, some provide better investment options. And there are also those that offer a more stable system, so it is more profitable in terms of trade.

Some Altcoin Options

1. Ethereum (Ether)

Launched in 2015, Ethereum is a decentralized software platform that allows Smart Contracts and Distributed Applications to be built and run without downtime, fraud, control or interference from third parties. This platform also forms the basis of its own virtual currency, Ether. Ethereum is not only a platform but also a programming language (Turing complete) that runs on blockchain, helping developers to build and publish distributed applications. The potential Ethereum application is very broad.

2. Riple (XRP)

Ripple is a technology that acts as a cryptocurrency and digital payment network for financial transactions. Ripple was released in 2012 and was founded by Chris Larsen and Jed McCaleb. Coins for cryptocurrency are labeled XRP.

3. EOS

EOS is a blockchain-based decentralized operating system, designed to support commercial scale decentralized applications by providing all the core functions needed, enabling businesses to build blockchain applications in a manner similar to web-based applications.

4. Litecoin

Launched in 2011, Litecoin is an alternative cryptocurrency based on the Bitcoin model. Litecoin was made by MIT graduates and former Google engineer named Charlie Lee. Litecoin is based on an open-source global payment network that is not controlled by central authorities. Litecoin is different from Bitcoin in aspects such as faster block generation rates and the use of scrypt as proof of work schemes.

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